Surgical Services

  • General Anesthesia

    Pet owners are often very anxious about veterinary procedures that involve anesthesia. Our hospital makes sure your pet is very safe during any anesthesia procedure. Prior to any anesthetic procedure…

  • Spaying

    Spaying your pet has many benefits. The procedure, which prevents female animals from becoming pregnant and reproducing, can help your dog or cat live a longer, healthier life. Spaying will…

  • Neutering

    Neutering your pet has many benefits. The procedure, which prevents male animals from reproducing, can help your dog or cat live a longer, healthier life. Neutering will not change your…

  • In-House Surgeries

    At Oyster River Veterinary Hospital, we understand that you may feel anxious when your pet needs a procedure requiring anesthesia. The safety of your pet is our primary concern and…